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Mars Rover Team

I worked on the mars rover team of my university that was preparing for the University Rover Challenge in the USA. Unlike my previous projects, I decided to step away from technical works. My duties consisted mostly of working on sponsorships, making progress reports in the form of Gantt Charts, setting up budgets and resource procurement and delegation. Unfortunately we could not qualify for the final showcase round of the competition. The next contest was European Rover Challenge in Poland, but I graduated before the date of the contest.

4-wheeler with a Motorbike Engine

This was the first project I worked on during my undergrad studies. Japanese development agency JICA arranged the 'ECORUN Bangladesh' in 2015, a fuel efficient vehicle design contest. The task was to build either a 3-wheeler or a 4-wheeler one-seater car from a motorcycle engine. My team, BUET Hephaestus, won 1st place in the design round. Then we had to build the chassis, chain drive and the body. I was partially responsible for designing the body for efficient cooling and light weight.

Although we didn't win the final race (the chain broke down), I gained a lot of hands-on knowledge on tool usage and team spirit.


Voluntary Activities on Campus

At the beginning of my undergrad life, I joined the career development club in my university. Within a year, I was in active leadership roles within the club, arranging seminars and events on studying abroad, job markets in the country and impact of women in the engineering industry. I also worked on marketing and promotion of the club, which reached beyond our campus borders to students of other universities.

I also worked on personal skill development like learning another language, promoted physical health among my peers, arranged trips and excursions with other students. I was later awarded the Gold Standard of the Duke of Edinburgh's International Award for excellence in extra-curricular activities.

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